Thursday, May 7, 2020

Animal Farm by George Orwell

Animal Farm is a well known classic and probably read by many people my age when they were in school. But I hadn't read it yet. My daughter was prescribed this book in school and I took it up also an opportunity to read it.

A small and easy read, all I knew about the book when I started reading it, was that it is a satire on communism using animals. As I read a few chapters, I started noticing similarities with the Russian Revolution although I only vaguely remembered studying about it in school. A little more into it and I kept picking up interest and started surfing the internet about which character in the book represents whom. Now, I don't plan to go into a critical analysis which has already been a subject of many Thesis worldwide. I would just say that I enjoyed the book overall. The end was quite predictable and although it didn't leave me with a smile at the end, I also didn't feel stupid having read the book.
